Those who wish to leave.

This will not be as poetic.

I honestly don’t understand people who wish to leave Egypt and migrate to another country. To them I say, “what’s stopping you?”

Being a very whole-hearted Egyptian who loves Egypt, it is very hard for me to comprehend people who think differently.

Why do you people dislike the country? No, really. Didn’t you like Egypt during its golden days? And when you like something, don’t you stick with it through thick and thin? When a dear one needs help, do you leave them? Do you?

For once, don’t be selfish. This is a place that needs us. This is a country which has given us so much and the least we can do is return the favour. Maybe Egypt hasn’t done for YOU in specific, but it has done for your ancestors. And don’t get me wrong, this has nothing to do with politics or regimes. I’m a strong revolutionist. This has to do with me, and you, and us.

This is our future we’re messing with here. If WE don’t change, if WE don’t become better and BE the best versions of ourselves then who will? WHO will?

I speak to you, person who wishes to leave, will you be a different person in another country? Will you be more contributing to a land that isn’t yours***? For how long can you escape?

I’ve been away from Egypt all my life, it’s not nice. The constant worry, about how my family is, the fear that I’m not doing enough to make it a better place, my persistent urge to fly to the country at every happy and tragic event that happens. It really is a detaching experience.
If you wish to detach, ask yourself why.
Is it because you can’t find a job? But going to a new country guarantees the job?
Ask yourself. Will this benefit Egypt if I go? Are you going to make change? YES, YOU.

There are many reasons, you would want to leave, but just don’t make them selfish. This isn’t about you only. Think about the Egyptians who can’t find food or shelter. Do you want to see them suffer for the rest of their lives? No, the government won’t help them. They need the help of people, like you and me, and us.

Think about education. If YOUR child were to be educated in Egypt, would you feel completely satisfied? If you wouldn’t take it on your children then don’t think that others would take it on theirs. DO something about it. Don’t just leave the problem hanging there.

If your parents were ill where would you take them? Why not Egypt? Well, make Egypt a priority then! Don’t just rant about how hospitals suck here and leave. What have YOU done?

There are a gazillion ways to be a hero in Egypt. There are a million ways to establish yourself, just don’t make it about you. There’s nothing like living for someone or something.

If you don’t like something, do everything humanely possible to make it better. Just don’t leave it.

If, after reading this, you’re thinking,
“This is a naïve girl” or
“It’s not worth it” or
“What’s the use of this” or
“Hahaha what?”

Then it’s probably better that you leave.

*** If your argument is that you have no ownership/control over the land, or you no longer feel a sense of belonging, then DO something about it. When you produce and help and work and contribute, you gain belonging and control.

8 thoughts on “Those who wish to leave.”

  1. stop loving someone lama yege 3ala 7a22k w ybhdel karamtek w lama tege t2ole r2yek y5resek w yktf kol 7aga 7lwa feki wala eh?
    I started hating el balad de mn b3d ele 7asal l Eslam bgd. Qemmt el zol w qemmt el mahana..I love Egypt ka place my soul trta7 feh ’cause it’s where I da msh makan y2dr y3esh feh 32le w afkare..afterall el ensan y3esh leh f makan byesht8al feh sawa2 walla msh la2i sho8l w howa 5areg handasa w tal3 3en ahlo wala teb (homa kotar gddn). El balad ele feha kolohom unfair w el gahala aktr mn el mot3llmen w ba5af afqd ensanyte f 3alam m3dsh yr7am..that’s why most of us wanna leave bs too bad not everyone can leave. M3aki 7a2 lazm yb2a feh entma2 that’s why el nas btathor bs awlwyat el 7ayah fl 2a5er bto7kom.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. See, that’s not the country’s fault. This is a regime’s fault. There’s a difference this is why I said this post has nothing to do with politics.

      And you can change mentalities. You just need the right tactics to do so.
      The place never robs someone of their humanity it’s the people.

      Example: if we have a productive population (set aside the government and the regime for a while) a population which has the will to grow and achieve something for their country, a population which produces its primary goods, which is civilized and focused, what can a regime do to stop 90 million people from becoming what they want to be?
      How do we become a population which works as a team? Mentalities, education. And on a very large scale.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. مهما قولتي هترجعي لنقطة النظام..الدولة ما هي الا مكان و شعب و يحكمه نظام. انا واحدة عاشت برة في عمرها الاساسي اللي بتتعلم فيه القيم و المبادئ..نزلت بلدي اتعلم فيها التعليم اللي بتخصص فيه و اعمر في ارضها زي ما مطلوب مني..تعليم و ملقتش مع العلم بدفع مبلغ..جيت اطبق مبادئ بتعتي لقيت عقول فاسدة..تستغرب لو عملتي الصح و تحربك..و العجيب انك لازم تختلطي بيهم غصب عنك عشان الحياة تمشي..بس مش ده ‘انا’ اللي عايزة. انا مفيش حتة فيكي يا مصر بنزلها الا لما بتدايق سواق من فكر او فعل..الشهامة بقت معدومة و ابن بلدي بيقول يلا نفسي و لو بموت قصاده يتفرج و ميعملش حاجة. آية الجنة من غير ناس متنداس و البلد من غير شعب كويس و حكومة عدله البلد كمكان ملهاش لازمة..انا حتة في سني ده و مستواية الاجتماعي بحس ان مليش حق اشتكي عشان في من ال90 مليون دول حوالي 80 مليون تحت خط الفقر مش لقين العيش ولا تعليم ولا شغل..قوليلي ناس زي دول يحبوا بلدهم ازاي؟ انا اه اقدر اغير اقدر ادي من علمي لغيري محتاج بس كذا حاجة بتدمر فيه من ناحية تانيه..بصراحة اللي بتقوليه حلو بس مش حساه يطبق..محتجين عوامل تخليهم زي ما بتقولي ..و العوامل كلها كده عملة زي دايرة..لو عامل وقع مش هنوصل لانسان متحضر و منتج و مفيد.
        عمتا محدش بيحب يبقي انسان سئ..بس مفيش عوامل تدفعه يعيش اساسا!
        ربنا يهدي الحال

        Liked by 1 person

  2. أنا معاكي.. و كل كلامي مش معناه اني مش حاسة بمعاناة البشر و مش مقدرة تعبهم في كل مجالات الحياه.. كلنا بنتبهدل و الحياة عموما مش سهلة.
    قال صلى الله عليه و سلم:
    “لا تزال طائفة من أمتي ظاهرين على الحق، لا يضرهم من خذلهم، حتى يأتي أمر الله وهم كذلك”
    لسا في خير حتى لو كان قليل و هو اللي هينتصر ف الآخر. أرضنا خصبة و فيها مقومات كتير ناجحة و ياما اكلتنا و شربتنا أو ع الأقل أكلت و شربت أهالينا. أهل البلد ف من الممكن يتحسنوا و يتغيروا.. صعبة بس مش مستحيلة.. عشان احنا كنا ف يوم من الأيام كويسين.
    أما النظام فهو ميت. أيوة ميت. عشان الأنظمة بتروح و تيجي بس الشعب و الأرض باقيين. و مهما النظام قتل و حبس و اعتقل فالأيام دول و ربنا مبيسبش حق حد.
    الناس محتاجة تبقا منتجة عشانها و عشان ولادها مش عشان حب الوطن و الكلام دا.. عشان ولادنا لازم نسيبلهم مكان كويس يعيشوا فيه.
    أنا عايشة عشان احقق الحلم دا.. ان تكون البلد كلها وحدة واحدة.. و لما أموت هكون مبسوطة لأني عشت عشان حاجة و سبت حاجة و لو كانت فكرة ..و حتى لو محدش اهتم لموتي أنا هبقى ع الأقل حاولت.
    البلد اللي هما المكان و الشعب يستاهل اننا نحارب عشانهم. عشان الذكريات و الأيام الحلوة و يمكن دي مش حاجة كلنا عشناها بس انا عشتها.
    يستاهل اننا ندي الكويسين فرصتهم.
    و نصيحتي ليكي:
    متكفريش بالمبدأ أبدا مهما حصل.. مبادئك و الحاجات اللي اتربيتي عليها ثوابت مهما اتغير الزمن.
    أنا واحدة مبدأي في الحياة اني بحب بلدي و هغير و اتغير عشانها و عشان اشوفها احسن.. مهما حصل حبي ليها مش هيقل و لا اندفاعي اني اعملها حاجة مش هيتهز .. و دي من الحاجات اللي الشعب دا لازم يعرفها.
    أنا لما بشوف حاجة غلط أو ظلم بيحصل.. بزعل و بحس ان انا اللي اتضريت و بحس ان دي رسالة اني المفروض اتحرك و أكون فعالة اكتر.
    التغيير مش بيحصل في يوم و ليلة لازم نصبر و نعرف ان الموضوع هيكون صعب بس هو الأهداف كدا..و كل اللي سابو بصمة تعبوا..
    انت بتدفعي و مش بتتعلمي كويس هل دي مشكلة ملهاش حل؟ هل دي مشكلة انت عايزاها تستمر؟ فكري ف حلول و دوري و عافري عشان تغيري و لو سطر واحد في التعليم دا.. مش هتخسري حاجة.
    الناس هتقف ضدك و هتتعبي.. بس هتوصلي لأنك بتعملي خير.. أو ع الأقل بتحاولي.
    الفقراء مسيرهم هيتعلموا و يعيشوا بس لازم حد يتحرك مينفعش نقف نتفرج ع السلبيات..
    اهو الناس اللي عندها عوامل و عزيمة و حب.. القلة اللي زينا تقدر تشيل اللي محتاج سبب يعيش له..
    كلامي ممكن يكون ما زال مش مقنع او عملي ليكي بس انا عندي صورة ف بالي ان شاء الله مش هسيبها.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well …
    All of your words are beautiful both of you , they show that you care a lot about Egypt and its people’s welfare.
    I don’t have much to say.

    But, Ayah, I heavily criticize linking leaving Egypt (even for good) to not loving it. And I am even more critical about linking leaving Egypt to not helping it. I know Ayah, one of the most figures you love is someone who lived almost all his “famous” life outside Egypt then he came and made an amazing heart hospital, proves you can help while being outside. So I want to propose the idea that helping your country is not related to where you live.

    Anyway, you both said a lot of mind opening points thanks a lot.

    Skipping all the emotional thoughts related to this topic, I want to emphasize that it is not about leaving or staying for me. It is more like are you doing what you can do at this moment? We all have to take the small steps that will lead to the flood that cannot be stopped. Challenge would be our regimes that continue to stop these small steps. If you can thrive better outside Egypt then travel do so! But remember to help too and if you are stuck inside then don’t give up help too. So this is not complex, not all the population would be able to leave even if they want to. So the people who left need to help and the people who are here need to help as well. It is the fact people loose hope and belonging not the fact of physically being in Egypt.

    We guys need to recognize the luxury we live in. We have the luxury to think beyond human basic needs. I don’t expect people who are poor to lead this country to be better. I am not being classist but they hardly have time to think because they are worried about “lo2met el 3eish”. It is a natural consequence of all the injustice in this country.

    So let’s use that luxury.

    Just always do what you can. I assure you, you will always be satisfied and die happily knowing you did some change.

    I liked this talk:
    “TEDxIB@York – Amal Ahmed Albaz – 5 before 5”


    The Story of the Hummingbird

    One day a terrible fire broke out in a forest – a huge woodlands was suddenly engulfed by a raging
    wild fire. Frightened, all the animals fled their homes and ran out of the forest. As they came to the
    edge of a stream they stopped to watch the fire and they were feeling very discouraged and
    powerless. They were all bemoaning the destruction of their homes. Every one of them thought
    there was nothing they could do about the fire, except for one little hummingbird.
    This particular hummingbird decided it would do something. It swooped into the stream and picked
    up a few drops of water and went into the forest and put them on the fire. Then it went back to the
    stream and did it again, and it kept going back, again and again and again. All the other animals
    watched in disbelief; some tried to discourage the hummingbird with comments like, “Don’t bother,
    it is too much, you are too little, your wings will burn, your beak is too tiny, it’s only a drop, you
    can’t put out this fire.”
    And as the animals stood around disparaging the little bird’s efforts, the bird noticed how hopeless
    and forlorn they looked. Then one of the animals shouted out and challenged the hummingbird in a
    mocking voice, “What do you think you are doing?” And the hummingbird, without wasting time or
    losing a beat, looked back and said, “I am doing what I can.”


  4. I may have not made it very clear but I meant to say people who leave Egypt because 5alas they don’t like it and they feel that they don’t want any affiliation with it.

    But yes of course, you can contribute wherever you are, however you can and this post is for this. Doing whatever you can no matter how small it is and regardless how many opposition you will receive. I loved the Ted Talk and the story of the humming bird. I think this is exactly what we should be doing: being the change.

    Sir Magdy Yacoub studied here, “thrived” -like you said- out of Egypt & came to give back in here. And this is an excellent example of a person who is using their talents and capabilities and what they can do, to actually contribute something.

    Thank you, Hussam for the eye-opener. Much appreciated. 🙂 (Y)

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  5. Though, You cant deny some people fe3lan have reached the stage of not affiliating under pressure unfortunately. And you SHOULDNT blame them. But think of ways to win them back.
    Anyway I hope we have a better country isA.


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